Times Of Your Life
"Would you like the story of your life to be captured in a painting? Or do you wish for art works for a
special place? I can be the artist to create… Tell me about your moments, tell me about you…"
Hanne Støvring. Artist
Moments of New York I
Moments of New York II
Moments of New York III
Moments of New York IV
Guardian of reality
By the light of the night - The day becomes
Seek the light - Find a way
What you want is out there - Go for it
Dont go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail
Smell the sea and feel the sky - Let your soul and spirit fly
The tans will fade - But the memories will last forever
There are no limits in this world other than the ones we place upon ourselves
There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart
You will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory
Flood of love
Moments of life
Music is life. That’s why our hearts have beats
No road is long with good company
Together is a wonderful place to be
Together we can do so much
With changing seasons comes new beginnings
You are designer of your own destiny
This wold is ours…must avoid becoming a community of fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect
Alone we’re strong – together we’re stronger
Heal the world
Life takes you to unexpected places – love brings you home
Link to the past and bridge to the future
Dreams Are Forever
Dusky Daylight
Gleaming Moonlight
Imagination Has No Age
In a New York Minute
Lasting Starlight
Behind In Front But Mostly Inside
Life Is a Miracle
Light Bleeding Into Night and Awakening Into Day
Secret Awakening
The Beauty of The Earth
The Road of Life
Together We are Springtime
Together We Make the World
Vibrant Crespucule